Wednesday 21 December 2011

Friso Baby Formula

Friso is dedicated to baby and infant food products. FrieslandCampina is owned by our member dairy farmers; commitment and quality in the production chain are a given. Food safety is a company-wide responsibility. Our management system for quality, food safety, working conditions, fire safety and the environment is called Foqus. Continual quality awareness is assured by covering a complete range of specifications, rules and procedures. This relates to the raw materials and ingredients, as well as to all production, packaging and logistical processes. Naturally, all raw materials and end products are consistently checked for quality and safety aspects.


  1. Hi, recently my YO daughter is facing constipations issue. Actually I'm very worrying because she told me that sometimes her stomach is painful and she never poo for few days. I'm not dare to try with any medicines to solve the problem so anyone here can suggest to me what kind of remedies can prevent constipation.

  2. You can try giving them some prunes and chinese medicine, I think really works on my child!! Better then taking medicine.

  3. better becareful abit when using these unknown remedies, especially those traditional ones.. Bcos I've tried it on my DD and ended up quite bad.. She went in hospital diagnosed with minor food poisoning.. I felt so bad as a mother.. So ask for proper advise b4 trying anything funny!

  4. I have the same problem previously, but once I switched to Mamil for a week, it really works! Because it contains no sugar and high DHA! But, the pre-biotic in Mamil help to solve constipation problem!

  5. Before I switch the milk formula to Mamil for my son, he used to suffer constipation. Then my colleague told me that Mamil is able to help for preventing constipation and suggested me to try with it. Once I switched to Mamil, my son doesn't face constipation anymore.

  6. A lot of people told me that Mamil is good for preventing constipation but the price is quite expensive compare to the others brand. I don't think it is affordable for every family.

  7. Gary ... Health is priceless and that's the fact. I would think that every mothers would rather spend more money in order to let their kids to stay healthier.
