Thursday 29 March 2012

Is Your Child Getting Enough Vitamin D ?

Did you know that in 2010, the Institute of Medicine significantly increased the recommended intake of vitamin D for children? What’s more, a study published in the journal of Pediatrics in March 2010 shows that approximately 80 percent of Hispanic children in the U.S. may have inadequate levels of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, teeth and nails. Since Vitamin D does not occur naturally in many foods, consuming milk and other dairy products fortified with Vitamin D is one of the easiest ways for children to obtain Vitamin D in their diets. And although many Hispanic moms are already enthusiastic about dairy products, it is possible they may not be aware of what the right amount of Vitamin D is, and how much is actually in the foods they give their children.
“As moms, we can help support our toddlers’ healthy growth with foods that contain the nutrients and vitamins required for their healthy development,” said registered dietitian and author Claudia Gonzalez.
If you are like most moms, you are probably wondering how you can incorporate more vitamin D into your child’s diet. “Children should get approximately 400 to 600 IUs of Vitamin D a day which translates into three cups of milk. One product that I recommend, which is a good source of Vitamin D and an excellent source of calcium, is NIDO® Kinder 1+, a powdered milk beverage with Prebio 1, a fiber blend, and vitamins and minerals to help support a child’s healthy immune system.” said Gonzalez.
In addition, take your toddlers outside for some fun in the sun. Engaging in physical activity outdoors is a sure way to get some sun exposure, an important source of vitamin D, and also keeps them fit and healthy. Just remember to apply sunscreen if you plan to be outside more than 15 minutes.
Here, Claudia suggests other easy-to-follow tips so that your toddler gets the right amount of Vitamin D, especially in the fall and winter months when they can’t go outside and play:
  • Upgrade the status of milk. Do not think of milk as just a “breakfast food.” Serve a glass of milk for lunch or dinner, or even with snacks.
  • Give milk a makeover. Try new and fun ways to serve milk. For example, blend some fruit with milk to make a delicious shake or smoothie.
  • Drink milk everywhere you go. If you and your child are constantly on the go, remember that NESTLÉ® NIDO® 1+ is a convenient and tasty option – and best of all, it has important vitamins and minerals for healthy growth.
If you are concerned about the right amount of vitamin D for your child, consult your pediatrician or a registered dietitian to learn more about your child’s specific needs.

Enfamil Lactose Free A+ Infant Formula

Sometimes babies’ tummies are sensitive to lactose, a carbohydrate naturally found in milk and in many formulas.
If your baby suffers from this problem, don’t worry.

Enfamil Lactose Free A+ is designed for babies sensitive to lactose. It contains the nutrition of a milk-based formula, without the lactose and with DHA and ARA (sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats) that support normal brain and eye development. It is not recommended for babies with galactosemia.

Carnation Milk

Carnation® Evaporated Milk is just milk with about half the water removed - making it richer, creamier and perfect to cook with.
Ingredients: Concentrated milk, disodium phoshate, sodium ascorbate (vitamin C), carrageenan, cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Anmum Essential Growing Up Milk

The advanced formulation of Anmum Essential contains:
  • Absolutely no added sugars: children do not need excessive added sugars, so why have them in their growing up milk?
  • Gangliosides: An important nutrient found abundantly in the brain. Maximise brain cell connections for faster learning
  • DHA: An important nutrient found abundantly in the brain
  • Inulin and FOS: Dietary fibres. It is important for your child to have a good intestinal environment for effective absorption of nutrients
  • Fortified with vitamin and minerals your child needs every day: Growing children have specific nutritional needs. Optimal nutrition is important for proper growth and development.

Anmum Essential's concentrated formulation with no added sugars means you use less powder to make the same size cup of growing up milk. This means more serves in every pack and more nutrition packed in to every serve¹.

Soya-based Baby Formula

Soya-based formula is made from soya beans. It is modified with vitamins, minerals and nutrients to make it suitable for formula milk.

Only give your baby soya-based formula on the advice of your doctor, health visitor or paediatrician. Even though manufacturers market their soya formulas as suitable for babies from birth, health professionals don't recommend them for babies under six months.

It's not recommended that your baby has soya formula if she has a cow’s milk allergy. Babies who are allergic to cow's milk are often allergic to soya, too.

There is also no evidence that changing to a soya-based formula can help to soothe your baby if she is unsettled or colicky. Your baby may be colicky because she’s intolerant to lactose, and so a lactose-free formula is best if this is the case. Ask your doctor or health visitor for advice if you think your baby has an allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk.

There are no particular health benefits that your baby would get from soya formula compared to other formula milks. In fact, soya formula milks can actually damage your baby’s teeth over time, because they contain glucose syrup. If you do give your baby soya milk, you’ll have to take extra special care of her teeth.

Hydrolysed-Protein Baby Formula

This is a formula milk which is specially designed for babies with an allergy or intolerance to cow's milk. If your baby has a cow’s milk allergy, the protein in the milk will cause an allergic reaction. And if she has an intolerance to cow’s milk, she will have difficulty digesting the lactose, or sugar, in the milk.

Hydrolysed-protein formula milks are based on cow's milk and have the same nutritional value as standard formula milk. But the protein in the milk is hydrolysed, which means it is broken down so your baby is less likely to react to it. These milks are also generally lactose-free, so babies with an intolerance to cow’s milk can digest them easily.

If you think your baby has a cow's milk allergy or intolerance, see your doctor or health visitor. Your doctor will be able to prescribe a hydrolysed-protein formula for your baby. You can buy these from your pharmacy, too. You can also buy special lactose-free formulas, which your doctor may suggest is your baby has a lactose intolerance.

Cow’s Milk-based Baby Formula

Most baby formula milks are based on cow's milk, which is modified to resemble breastmilk as closely as possible. Manufacturers modify cow's milk for babies by adjusting carbohydrate, protein, and fat levels and adding vitamins and minerals. There are also special types of formula manufactured for premature babies.

The protein in milk can be broken down into curds (casein) and whey. The ratio of casein to whey can vary according to the type of baby formula milk. There are two main types:
  • First-stage formula. These milks consist of mostly whey, with a casein:whey ratio of 40:60, which is about the same as breastmilk. They are suitable for your baby from birth up to about a year, and are thought to be easier to digest.
  • Second-stage formula. These milks consist of mostly casein, with a casein:whey ratio of 80:20. They take longer to digest and are often promoted as being for hungrier babies.
Nutritionally, your baby will only need first-stage formula, although you may decide to move your baby onto second-stage formula as she grows.

Be cautious when changing your baby’s milk. Switching from first to second-stage milk too early can give your baby constipation. Although many milk manufacturers market their second-stage milk as suitable from birth, it’s best to wait until your baby is at least four weeks old. If your baby doesn’t seem content with the formula you first started her on, talk to your health visitor before changing formulas.

When your baby’s a year old, you can move her on from first or second-stage formula to cow's milk. Cow’s milk is not recommended as a main drink for babies under the age of one because it’s low in iron and vitamin C. But you can use small amounts in cooking for your baby when she’s started solids, or on her breakfast cereal.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Organic Infant Formula

 Earth's Best Infant Formula

Organic Infant Formula With DHA & ARA

 Patterned after breast milk: high quality protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids (DHA & ARA)

  • DHA & ARA: naturally found in breast milk for baby's brain and eye development
  • 17 mg DHA/ 100 calories
  • Contains 2X the DHA found in the leading organic formula
  • Has a whey/casein ratio that is almost identical to mother's milk
  • Uses organic lactose and organic glucose solids as a carbohydrate source
  • Nutritionally complete
  • Iron fortified
  • Easy to digest
  • Meets all FDA requirements for infant nutrition
  • Kosher certified
  • USDA organic
  • No growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids or potentially harmful pesticides or herbicides

Sunday 4 March 2012

Anmum Milk Products

Introducing the new Anmum® range of products for women planning pregnancy, pregnant and breastfeeding mums, and your precious little ones. Anmum® provides a full range of milk products that are formulated with essential nutrients such as Gangliosides (GA), SA, DHA*, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) and Iron. These nutrients are scientifically shown to play a role in brain development.

Check out which Anmum® is suitable for you and your baby.
There’s an Anmum® for every stage.

Anmum Materna™ is especially formulated for women who are pregnant or who are planning for pregnancy. Anmum Materna™ is high in Folate, which is important to maintain the growth and development of the foetus. Delicious tasting Anmum Materna™ also contains GA, SA, Calcium, Iron & other essential nutrients. It is an ideal supplement that will aid in maintaining the growth and brain development of your unborn baby.

Recommended consumption: 2 glasses of Anmum Materna™ daily.

Anmum Lacta™ is formulated to maintain the nutritional composition of breast milk while replenishing maternal stores during the post-natal period. Breast milk contains mostly all the nourishment needed for the first 6 months of your baby’s life. Certain vitamins in a mother’s breast milk are largely dependant on a mother’s dietary intake. Anmum Lacta™ is high in vitamin B1, B2, B3, B12, Folate, Calcium and Iron. It also contains GA and SA, together with EFA (precursor of DHA and AA).
 Recommended consumption: 2 glasses of Anmum Lacta™ daily.

Similac Advance Baby Formula

Similac® Advance®

Give your baby complete nutrition for the first year

Similac Advance has EarlyShield® and is designed to support your baby’s developing immune system, brain and eyes, and strong bones.
Similac® Advance®