Tuesday 13 March 2012

Soya-based Baby Formula

Soya-based formula is made from soya beans. It is modified with vitamins, minerals and nutrients to make it suitable for formula milk.

Only give your baby soya-based formula on the advice of your doctor, health visitor or paediatrician. Even though manufacturers market their soya formulas as suitable for babies from birth, health professionals don't recommend them for babies under six months.

It's not recommended that your baby has soya formula if she has a cow’s milk allergy. Babies who are allergic to cow's milk are often allergic to soya, too.

There is also no evidence that changing to a soya-based formula can help to soothe your baby if she is unsettled or colicky. Your baby may be colicky because she’s intolerant to lactose, and so a lactose-free formula is best if this is the case. Ask your doctor or health visitor for advice if you think your baby has an allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk.

There are no particular health benefits that your baby would get from soya formula compared to other formula milks. In fact, soya formula milks can actually damage your baby’s teeth over time, because they contain glucose syrup. If you do give your baby soya milk, you’ll have to take extra special care of her teeth.

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