Tuesday 24 April 2012

Friso Growing Up Milk

At Friso, we strive to offer Growing Up Milk range of products that is nutritionally designed for optimal growth, ensuring that nutrients are well balanced for a growing up child in Malaysia.
Added goodies such as DHA, AA
By continuous research we develop new technologies to enhance our formulas. We have upgraded Friso Growing Up Milk with Friso Synbiotic Agent (a combination of 2 Prebiotics and 2 Probiotics). Prebiotics1 and Probiotics2 help to fight bad bacteria in your child’s digestive system. Your child’s body resistance is improved naturally, making him stronger from the inside. With less sick days, learning is easy. Friso Growing Up Milk also contains DHA, AA and SA.
1 Cummings JH & Mcfarlane GT (2002) Gastrointestinal effects of prebiotics. British Journal of Nutrition 87, Suppl.2, S145-S151
2 Fooks LJ & Gibson GR (2002) Probiotics as modulators of the gut flora. British Journal of Nutrition 88, Suppl.1, S39-S49
Different types of sugars and the role of sugar in Growing Up Milk
Sugars like natural sugar and natural added sugar are types of Carbohydrates. They are important because Carbohydrates are a main source of energy to ensure the healthy growth & development of the body and brain of growing up children.
Natural sugar called lactose can be found in milk while natural added sugar comes from plants (described as added sugar because it’s not found naturally in milk). In terms of calories, there is no difference between the two. In fact, when you take sugar naturally found in milk (lactose), it also counts as part of your total sugar consumption.
Friso Growing Up Milk is nutritionally designed using a combination of naturally present sugars like lactose, and added natural sugars.

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